When any user opens the document again, the header activates a link to the stored file attachment. 当任何用户再次打开该文档时,头部激活了指向被存储的文件附件的链接。
This creates a hard link to a file. 这个函数创建一个到文件的硬链接。
This was especially dangerous, because Internet Explorer, when it viewed a Web page with a link to a MIDI file, would automatically load the file and try to play it. 这是特别危险的,因为InternetExplorer在察看一个包含MIDI文件链接的网页时,会自动加载那个文件并播放它。
In so doing, it is helpful to link to the downloadable file that contains the software update, and a Web page that describes the update. 这样做的话,链接到包含软件升级、描述升级的网页的可下载文件会很有帮助。
You can also create a link to the interfaces file or use the IFILE server option in the CREATE SERVER statement to specify the full path to the file. 您还可以创建到interfaces文件的链接,或者在CREATESERVER语句中使用IFILE服务器选项指定到该文件的全路径。
Before you get started with PHP, it's a good idea to throw in a link to a PHP file that will run phpinfo() so that you know what you're dealing with. 开始添加PHP代码之前,最好添加一个会运行phpinfo()、指向一个PHP文件的链接,以便您知道自己在处理什么。
Keep in mind that a hard link to a hard link points to the same file. 请记住,硬链接指向相同的文件。
If a link does not point to a file, XML reports an error. 如果链接不指向一个文件,那么XML就会报告错误。
For example, if you follow a link to a text file, your browser will fetch it and display it for you, on screenful at a time. 假设你跟踪一个链接到某个文本文件,你的浏览器将它拿来并加以显示,一次显示一个整屏。
Control for; you also can set part of the text as a link to a file, folder, or web page. 控件;还可以将文本的一部分设置为指向某个文件、文件夹或网页的链接。
However, if you link to a file that is later deleted when its original project no longer uses it, your link is no longer usable. 但是,如果您链接了一个文件,而后来当其原始项目不再使用它时删除了该文件,则此链接将不再有用。
In the link to file dialog box, click the drawing you are working on and then click open. 在“链接到文件”对话框中,单击您要使用的绘图,然后单击“打开”。
For example, when you manage only the link to a file you can remove the link, but removing it does not delete the file from storage. 例如,当仅管理指向某个文件的链接时,您可以移除该链接,但移除它并不会从存储区删除该文件。
Invalid dynamic link call to a.dll file. 程序正在对.dll文件进行无效的。
Use this button to copy the item to your project directory or link to the original file. 使用此按钮可将项复制到项目目录中或链接到原始文件。
There is already a link to '% 1'. A project cannot have more than one link to the same file. 已有一个指向%1的链接。一个项目不能有多个链接指向同一个文件。
To link to a text file, type a url. 若要链接到文本文件,请输入url。
Please use the link below to download the audio file. 请使用以下的连结来下载此录音档案。
To link the picture to the picture file on your computer's hard disk, click the arrow next to insert, and then click link to file. 要将该图片链接到计算机硬盘上的图片文件,请单击“插入”旁边的箭头,然后单击“链接到文件”。
Denotes a link to a file on the local system on your Web site map. 在网站图上表示与本地系统上某文件的链接。
Cannot add a link to the file% 1. This file is within the project directory tree. 无法将链接添加到文件%1。该文件位于项目目录树内。
Request that the sender post or save the attachment to a file share and then send you the link to that file share. 请求发件人将附件发送或保存到一个文件共享中,并将该文件共享的链接发送给您。
The first way is to link to the file directly, and the second is to include it on the page itself. 第一种方式是从文件中引用,第二种是在文档自身调用。
% 1-Cannot add a link to a file that is inside the project tree. %1-无法将链接添加到项目树内部的文件。
The proper solution is to compile all levels to SWC libraries, which you link to final SWF file. 正确的解决办法是编译各级SWC库,它们链接到最终的SWF文件。
If this field is blank, a connection file was never used, or it was used and then modified so that the link to the connection file was broken. 如果此字段为空,则说明从未使用过连接文件,或者曾使用过但之后对它进行了修改,从而使得指向该连接文件的链接断开。
Copy down the link to the flash player file. 抄下联系的闪光球员档案。
After you get protein's web page, click on Other Sources and you'll get link to the corresponding HSSP file. 当蛋白质网页出现时,点击其他资源,你就能得到相应HSSP文档的链接。
Post a link to the Theme information and downloadable file, and add the name and keyword description of the Theme, per other examples. 发表一个链接,链接到主题信息和可以下载的文件,并且每隔一个例子,添加上名称和关键词描述。
However, you can link to a file that could be accidentally deleted, such as one belonging to another user. 但是,您可能会链接到可能被意外删除的文件,如属于另一个用户的文件。